🐣The Chicken Bible

All the Whales.Meme's terms explanation.

Launching a memecoin on Whales Meme Launchpad is like incubating an egg until it hatches into a chicken. Just as a farmer tends to his eggs, ensuring they receive the right conditions to hatch into healthy chickens, our platform nurtures your meme projects from inception to market launch.

The anticipation and excitement build as you watch your meme project develop, eagerly awaiting the day it breaks out of its shell and takes flight in the crypto world.

Inspired by this incubation process, we've named key terms to reflect this journey:

1. Eggshell

Holding an Eggshell is like owning a percentage of the token allocation (1 Eggshell = XXX tokens).

Just as an egg contains the potential of a future chicken, an Eggshell holds the potential of future tokens. Hold it to claim tokens after the Token Generation Event (TGE) or trade it for instant profit. The earlier you buy, the lower the price, offering a prime investment opportunity.

2. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

An honorable badge awarded to meme projects that achieve over 80% hatching progress. This badge symbolizes a project that is nearly ready to break out of its shell and reach the TGE stage, much like a chicken almost ready to hatch.

Once a meme earns the Winner Winner Chicken Dinner badge, it is honored by being prominently listed at the center of the Whales Meme homepage.

This prime placement attracts all users' attention, making it easier and faster for the meme to get TGE-ed and listed on DEXs. However, each meme can only feature on the homepage once. When a new meme earns the badge, it takes the honored spot, replacing the previous winner.

3. Target Price

The target price is the value an Eggshell needs to reach to trigger the TGE and get listed on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Reaching this price means the meme token is ready to hatch and enter the broader market, similar to an egg reaching the perfect conditions to hatch into a chicken.

3. Nearly Hatched

This section showcases all the meme eggs currently in incubation on Whales Meme Launchpad. It’s where you can discover new and upcoming meme projects that are close to launching, much like checking on eggs that are about to hatch.

4. Hatching Progress

The hatching progress bar tracks the journey of a meme egg from creation to launch. Once all 200 Eggshells have been sold, the egg hatches, and the meme token is listed on DEXs. This visual representation allows users to monitor a project's progress and anticipate its launch date, much like watching an egg develop until it’s ready to hatch.

Last updated