โš™๏ธCurrent Presets

In the first version of Whales Meme, the important parameters that affect the bonding curve pool and users' trading experience cannot be configured by users and pool creators, and can only be changed by the platform. These presets are as follows:

  • Initial Price (IP) of Eggshells: 0.05 SOL. Initial price is the eggshell price at the time the memecoin pool is created.

  • Target Price (TP) of Eggshells: 1.25 SOL. Target price is the maximum price of an eggshell. Once the pool reaches this price, the memecoin will TGE on Raydium.

  • Target Supply (TS) of Eggshells: 200. The max number of eggshells that can be traded.

  • Token Total Supply: 1,000,000,000. This is the total supply of the memecoin.

  • Token added to LP: ~25.43% Total Supply

  • Token per EggShells: ~3,709,848 Token

  • Market Cap at TGE: ~336 SOL

User will have option to custom their token preset in the future.

Last updated